Surfboards hawaii v bottom VB22952 v2

People Riding Surfboards with Vees in Their Bottoms

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1968 Surfboards Hawaii 8'0" Vee Bottom

It's going on five years since I bought this board at Bird's, and in that time I've heard all kinds of things said about it...

  • "Those things don't work" - Joel T.
  • "That was one of the quickest fads in the history of surfing!" - Randy R.
  • "What's going on with that tail?" - Joe Blow
  • "...before they learned how to make bottoms..." - JT
  • "Why would you want to ride one of those?" - Dave L.
  • "I've never seen aything like it!" - Pretty much everyone

And yet, every time I get on it, it's a blast! And since they say a picture is worth 1,000 words... well, here are a bunch of pictures that should push the imaginary word count in your head straight into the stratosphere! (Photos by yours truly unless otherwise noted)

Swing it out wide
now swing it back
Swing it out wide now swing it back inside
we've all been there, at least in our dreams

we've all been there, at least in our dreams

I'm feeling the flow yo
is this a right?
I'm feeling the flow yo is this a right?
that title says it all and so much more
that title says it all and so much more
Here's where Nico walks like this with this board under his arm
Here's where Nico walks like this with this board under his arm
Irregardless, skanking has always been in.

Irregardless, skanking has always been in.

Push onward and Persevere
Push onward and Persevere
You will see
You will see
Peter Dagalea on 1968 Surfboards Hawaii Vee Bottom

Kneel de Grass Jiveson would have to agree

not even close
not even close
(stealth cool)
(stealth cool)
(exit stage right)
(exit stage right)
Ouch, rocks
| photo @gayla__b
Ouch, rocks
| photo @gayla__b
It's a secret
| photo @gayla__b
It's a secret
| photo @gayla__b
(practice makes pelican)
| photo @gayla__b
(practice makes pelican)
| photo @gayla__b
nuff said
| photo @gayla__b
nuff said
| photo @gayla__b
tis the season
| photo @gayla__b
tis the season
| photo @gayla__b
look cool
| photo @gayla__b
look cool
| photo @gayla__b
Can I get a witness?
| photo @gayla__b
Can I get a witness?
| photo @gayla__b
| photo @gayla__b
| photo @gayla__b
and what you can see too @jeff.kerridge

and what you can see too @jeff.kerridge

(but they sure do like to play...)
| photo @jeff.kerridge
(but they sure do like to play...)
fun times ahead
| photo @jeff.kerridge
fun times ahead
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Oh yeah, and if you haven't seen this article yet, it's at 47k hits and counting!
Feel free to leave more words below. Word.

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