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Of the hundreds of Lambrettas we restored over the years at West Coast Lambretta Works, this one stands out as an all time favorite. 

The fact that it was a very early "frame breather" Series 1 Li125 from the late '50s was enough to get us excited to tackle the project - especially considering that it was brought to us nearly 100% complete, in boxes, with everything labeled - but the back story behind the scooter's history was the real treat.

And that story went something like this... (I'm going by memory here, so forgive me for any inaccuracies)

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These shots are from the really early days of my Lambretta adventure at the family garage in Lakeside, probably around 1982 or so. Check out the stacks of N.O.S. Innocenti engine cases, headset bottoms, toolboxes, complete original gray cables with inline oilers, etc.!

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While going through old footage in preparation for a historical ASRA documentary film I've started producing, I came across a "crash tape" I made back in the day. The video quality isn't great - 2nd or 3rd generation VHS footage - but what the hey! I did what I could and spruced it up a bit with some classic RFTC for your viewing and listening enjoyment.

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